Encaustic Arts Magazine Spring 2022 | Page 7


“ Choice , chance , and circumstance ,” one of the artists in this issue , Brad Ellis , sums up his process in this way . While this could describe almost every action in life , one could use this phrase to describe the actions or steps artists use in every aspect of their creative process . Whether working on an individual piece or building a body of work , the moment may call for one ( or a combination and cross-use of ) these elements . There may be an aspect of careful , deliberate decisions needing to be made , as in “ choice ” defined as “ being an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities .” Author Jon Mertz describes the distinctions between decisions and choice as with decisions ; it is more of a process orientation - meaning we are going through analysis and steps to eliminate ( or cut off ) options . Whereas with a choice , it ’ s more of a mindset approach , meaning we perceive what the right or wrong choice may be . Choices offer opportunities , which path we select , and the direction - intended or unintended - that it takes us . Or one may work through instinct , as in “ chance ” - “ to do something by accident or , to ( do ) something despite its being of uncertain outcome .” An artist may then use or optimize through deliberate choice that “ fortuitous accident .” With wax-based art , the qualities , and limitations of the material ( circumstance ) will play their part . Each element has its place and utility .
We try to choose artists in each issue whose work compliments or , in some cases , contrasts with the other artists in the issue . Although the paths the various visual styles or representations may take different routes , I found it interesting to see how each artist uses the elements of “ choice , chance , and circumstance ” to arrive at distinctly unique destinations in the body of work presented in this issue .
Thank you for your interest and support of this magazine !
Kari Gorden Editor Encaustic Arts Magazine editor . encausticartsmagazine @ gmail . com