Encaustic Arts Magazine Spring 2022 | Page 6


Dear Readers ,
We know what it ’ s like to start small with a big idea . Encaustic Art Institute was founded eighteen years ago , then the Encaustic Arts Magazine , and finally the Museum of Encaustic Art . During that journey – board members , friends , Kari Gorden ( editor and EAI assistant ) - and my wife , Adrienne Mehrens , gave and continue to provide their unwavering support for the mission of this non-profit .
Adrienne , and Kari Gorden , the editor , have made the magazine an incredible success over the last ten years . Adrienne ’ s background in marketing and fine art and Kari ’ s background in editing and fine art have been the foundation of the look and content of the magazine .
I contributed to this magazine with the introductory note in each issue and have helped in the jury process of selecting artists . Now it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to my wife , Adrienne Mehrens , who has been , without title , the acting Publisher . Starting with the next issue , she will now officially be the introductory voice as the Publisher , and I will continue to sit on the jury board to select artists for the magazine .
Enjoy this incredible issue of diverse artists . A special thanks to Johanne Lamarche for her tribute to an influential artist – James Edward Scherbarth - who left his mark on so many of us worldwide with his art , workshops , and generous personality . We hope this magazine serves as a tool to empower artists to grow and succeed and patrons to build their knowledge of encaustic art and artists .
Douglas Mehrens Founder Encaustic Arts Magazine
Adrienne Mehrens Publisher Encaustic Arts Magazine Mehrens @ eainm . com