Encaustic Arts Magazine SPRING 2013 | Page 4


Dear Readers , encaustic / wax artists and collectors :
Welcome to the fifth edition of Encaustic Arts Magazine , the semi-annual free online publication from the Encaustic Art Institute .
What an exciting time for Encaustic Art Institute ( EAI ). EAI is proud to be one of the hosts for the IEA International Encaustic Arts annual convention — “ encaustiCon ,” from October 31st through November 3rd -- what an excellent opportunity for all encaustic / wax artists to experience Santa Fe and its world-famous art scene and community . From Native American art , Spanish , Western photography , and some of the finest contemporary galleries in America . If I were you , I would not miss this conference , and one of the top 3 vacation destinations in the US .
I have included an article featuring Santa Fe galleries representing encaustic / wax artists . I also mention some of Santa Fe ’ s history , different things to see , and of course , my very favorite restaurants . I have lived and worked here creatively and happily for over 20 years . It is hard to find a more diverse cultured city in terms of art , food , and entertainment . But be ready for “ laid back ,” where the pace is slower and the sidewalks are folded up at 11 pm or before … except for all the private parties that are happening everywhere .
I want to introduce our new magazine editor , Kari Gorden . She is a longtime encaustic artist and a member of the Encaustic Art Institute . Also , I ’ d like to personally thank Michael Pearce , who has donated his time to help start this magazine and publish the first four issues . He is much appreciated !
Encaustic Art Institute ’ s goal is to enhance , grow and make artists and the public aware of this beautiful art form . So share the excitement and keep passing the word .
Douglas Mehrens Founder : Encaustic Arts Magazine Encaustic Art Institute Mehrens @ eainm . com