Encaustic Arts Magazine Spring 2012 | Page 14

Portfolio Cari Hernandez In a more literal sense, my altered books serve as curvaceous sensual forms that are rolled like tight scrolls, with many of the forms giving way to a gentle unfurling, as well as a bit of folding. The folds in the pages echo many of my sculpted fiber forms, where I gather-pull-tuck the fiber into undulating ribbonlike shapes. The folds serve as a suggestion for the possibility of something hidden, tucked just out of view. It is within both the circles and folds that a soft edge resonates, a language that is shared by both. Lovely Bed, 18”x24”, Encaustic & Resin On Board 2009. Detail, Sculpted Book Top, 9”x5”, Encaustic & Paper, 2012. Summer 14 www.EAINM.com