Anything is possible.....
H ello there everyone. This month I
wanted to share with you my 2 year
anniversary. June marked my 2 year
since I embarked on this journey
of mine. 2 years ago I set out on a
short run that would forever change
my life. Each day as I woke up, went
for a run and returned, I turned to
Facebook as I jotted down my feel-
ings and what I would do for the
next day. It became my fitness jour-
nal of some sort. I shared my story,
memes and anything I could that
would keep me motivated and in-
spired. I knew I wanted it bad then,
I also knew that making it a com-
mitment and habit would take time.
I knew that anything could happen
that would make me end up throw-
ing in the towel. Still, I accepted the
challenge for myself, and felt it worth
it to at least try. See where it takes
me. Little by little I started to get rid
of processed foods, and anything un-
healthy. I replaced with better choic-
es. I researched day and night for what
foods were good for me and ones I
should avoid. I had to cut out Pepsi’s
which was one of the hardest things I
ever did. But...after a few weeks it be-
came easier and easier for me. Till fi-
nally I was soda free. Still to this day.
I lost lots of weight and very fast the
first 6 months in. I was so excited to
be feeling better, and pain free. It was
a blessing and a milestone. At this
time in my journey I was running
and doing HIIT (high intensity in-
terval training) in my home. I didn’t
step foot into a gym till my 6 month
into my journey. When that day hap-
pened for me. It opened up a whole
different world, with differ-