ey , your joy , your satisfaction , your freedom . To find those costs , ask yourself these questions . How much money would you have made ? How much happiness , joy , and satisfaction did you miss out on ? Have you not gone for a dream ? Have you held back in your relationships ? Have you settled for a career that you don ’ t really like ? Did you stop reaching out ? Did you stop taking chances ? Did you hold back from taking advantage of opportunities ? Then write down the payoffs you get by keeping the fear in place . We all do things because we get something out of it . What are you getting out of it ? Don ’ t say , “ Nothing .” You are getting something ( s ) positive or else you wouldn ’ t keep doing it . People use their fear as an excuse to not be successful . If you didn ’ t have fear , what would you do ? You could do anything . But that hits you right back in face because if your belief is that you ’ re not good enough , you really couldn ’ t do anything . Why ? What if you failed ? What if you let people down ? Your core negative self-image won ’ t allow you to get very far from it . That ’ s why people repeat so many of the same patterns over and over and over and nothing ever seems to change .
5 . Reevaluate the meanings of your fear and develop a Thomas Edison philosophy – That is , reframe how you look at failure . Edison did not fail 10,000 times while trying to perfect the light bulb , but rather he was successful 10,000 times at what did not work . When you change your thoughts and perceptions , you change your life . When you look at failure , not as failure , but as an opportunity to improve yourself and your ideas , you ’ ll motivate yourself from now on .
scared in the first place . It is the avoidance of the fear that keeps making it bigger .
In closing , the bottom line is that fear is BS . It ’ s a belief system . It ’ s not real . It ’ s an illusion because it ’ s what you make up about a situation , not what is actually true . For example , if I asked 1000 people to define fear , I ’ d get 1000 definitions . If that ’ s the case , then I ask you , what is fear ? In your case , it means whatever you make it mean . So if you can make it mean something in the negative , you have the power to change that and make it mean whatever you want . You ’ re better than your fear . Now you have everything you need within you to make fear disappear and to be incredibly successful . Just believe , value , respect , honor and trust yourself . Pay no attention to the negative . Focus on what you want , know that you deserve , believe you can have it and soon it will all start to arrive .
Darshan creates content ( books , articles , audios , videos , poetry ) that uplifts , inspires and awakens people to their fullest potential . To learn more about his work and get a whole bunch of cool , free stuff to make a difference in your life , visit his website : DarshanShanti . com
6 . Take total responsibility for all the goodness that you are – The moment you take full responsibility for your greatness , your magnificence , your pricelessness , and love yourself unconditionally , then start living your life from that place , without exception , that ’ s when you will end all internal struggle , stop fearing failure , rejection and once and for all , live the life you were born to live and have the success that you ’ ve always wanted . When you see yourself as priceless , not worth less , fear disappears because you are no longer afraid of what people think of you .
7 . Take a risk . Do something you have been afraid to do – When you do the thing you ’ ve feared , you will discover that it wasn ’ t such a big deal after all . When you face the fear it will disappear . At that point , you ’ ll wonder why you were