supplementation, hell I remember the days
when training sessions were $60-75 per ses-
sion. But let’s get back to why hiring a profes-
sional is worth it. First and foremost, it’s the
education and experience. I can honestly tell
you that my education on nutrition comes
from the University of Texas in El Paso and
the University of New Mexico. Then, hiring a
coach myself, and actually applying the nutri-
tion plan that was laid out for me. Trust me... I
have used every diet method to get into con-
test or photo shoot shape and dieting is hard.
To advance my bodybuilding career I hired
very well known bodybuilding trainers. These
individuals taught me more advanced meth-
ods to training, educated me on biomechan-
ics, showed me my genetic limitations and
how to work with them.
I remember my first coach said to me... “Dan-
iel, you may not have the genetics to be an
IFBB Pro but that doesn’t mean we can not
build a beast!” That was good enough for me.
Since then I’ve been in every fitness magazine,
placed top 5 at 2 national shows. Won several
regional titles, been sponsored and worked for
5 supplement companies, of which I am still a
part of Blackstone Labs. In 2010 I was in Flex
Magazine as one of the country’s best body-
builders. Ive been able to share my knowl-
edge by writing for several publications, most
recently Encantado Magazine.
If you want to improve your life, educate your-
self. If you want to extend your career and
improve your livelihood, hire a coach or men-
tor. This goes for all you do, not just training.
We all have busy lives and if we can put focus
and attention on what we do best and out-
source everything else, we would all be more
productive. So boyfriends and hubbies, let the
insecurities go and get your women a trainer.
Girlfriends and wives, encourage your men to
better themselves and push the envelope every
now and then. Looking great will just be the
For inquires email me at:
[email protected]