Encantado Magazine 2018 March Issue | Page 42

Why you should hire a trainer! Written by: Daniel Rocha T oday this article comes with a little passion. ing “It’s too expensive anyways, I’ll show you how to work out!” I was about to lose myself. Something I as a professional deal with every- I almost said something but I kept my cool, day. Let me give you the story. I was getting turned up my tunes and put the energy into my own training session in at a different gym my own workout instead. See, a lot of people and there was a husband and wife in there. I think that the personal training industry is a assume wife, but she was talking about hiring a joke. They think that what I do is trivial. Their trainer. Since it’s a small gym I overheard their impression of trainers are “jocks and fitness entire conversation. The husband didn’t want bunnies” that live up to the stereotypical “I lift anything to do with hiring a trainer. His re- things up and put them down!” Om-goodness sponse was: “ Why do you need a stupid train- Little do these people know that our industry er? They’re just jocks working for $15/hr and has evolved faster than any other. Yes I agree don’t know any more than you do about work- that there is a ton of free information out there ing out.” Then contradicted himself by say- on topics like nutrition, training, cardio and Fitness - Why you Should hire a trainer