The Black Vote in America

On February 3, 1873 Blacks in America were given the right to vote by way of the 15th Amendment. As quickly as that right was given it was swindled away from impoverished, illiterate blacks as well as educated wealthy blacks. This was done by giving blacks fixed literacy tests, unaffordable poll taxes, and perpatrating violence against black voters. For years blacks woud make their way to the polls but most would never get to vote. Their voices were silenced by the fear of hearing about all of the brothers and sisters who attempted to vote and were degraded, beaten or murdered for simply trying to cast a ballot. In August of 1965, after years of violence and unfair practices at the polls, President Lyndon Johnson signed into law the Voting Rights Act. This ended the unfair literacy tests and sparked an investigation of the illegal state and local poll taxes. By 1966 poll taxes in all elections had been banned completley. Blacks still had to fight their way into polling stations and take tons of hateful behavior while voting. They peresevered nonetheless. Today, Blacks 18 years of age or older who are registered to vote can peacefully go to the polls and vote without incidence. When Barak Obama ran for POTUS we showed the world what the Black community in America is made of. Blacks voted and other people of all ages and races followed suit and flooded the polls to vote him into office. This was accomplished two terms in a row. In 2016 when Hillary Clinton and Donld Trump were competing for the White House something was a miss. People simply sat the election out. They didn't even vote down the ballot. That is why we must start cultivating a win now. We have to get registered to vote and stay registered to vote. We have to learn who our elected officials are, who is on the ballot, and what their core values are. We need to make ourselves aware of how we can help get our candidates into office. We must not squander the right that so many of our ancestors fought and died for. We have to get regisered and vote in ech election we are eligible to vote in.