California’s Political Landscape Why is this race important? The Chair of the California Democratic Party is the official spokesperson for our Party, helps to guide the priorities and direction of our Party and raises the resources needed to advance our collective agenda to elect Democratic candidates all across California. Whether your passion is clean energy, reproductive justice, criminal justice reform, higher education, LGBT rights, or universal preschool, there is a direct connection between our elected Democratic officials and the policy and legislation they are shaping that impact every aspect of our daily lives. It matters who we have at the table. It matters who we have leading our Party. Kimberly is the leader we need to lead the California Democratic Party at this moment in time. Why is Kimberly running? In her own words. I believe that the Democratic Party is the governing coalition of our state and that we need to lead in a progressive direction to fulfill our moral responsibility to future generations. I am pro-choice, pro-single payer, pro-environment, pro-marriage equality, pro-labor, pro-immigrant rights, pro-public schools, pro-parity in women’s representation, pro-transparency and pro-ethics in campaigns and public service. As your next Democratic Party Chair, not only will I proudly espouse our shared Democratic values, assist in guiding our Party to be best equipped for our changing political landscape, and raise the money needed to elect Democrats, not just up and down the state but up and down the ballot, but I will set a new tone and tenor for our political culture. Kimberly believes in a more Representative Democratic Party California is changing. Women and people of color make up the vast majority of California’s electorate, yet they are significantly underrepresented in both our elected officials and the leadership of the California Democratic Party. We need to correct the imbalance. When our political leaders reflect the full array of talent that California has to offer, there is no problem we can't solve. We need a Democratic Party Chair who can both represent and inspire all Californians to become active Democrats. Kimberly’s work has consistently put her alongside underrepresented communities so her understanding of how the landscape of California has evolved is hands-on. Kimberly is an Inspiring Leader for the Future Not driven by her own power, but by the collective power of Democrats, Kimberly is an inclusive, collaborative leader. Kimberly will attract new members to the Party and inspire those who have been less engaged. She will bring new diversity and youth into the Democratic Party and reinstate the trust of all Democrats through her ethical, accountable, and transparent leadership. She can articulate an energizing vision for our Party and our state and has the expertise to cultivate leadership within the Democratic Party and build the pipeline of Democrats who win races at all levels. Stay Connected with our campaign! Online: www.voteforkimberly.org Facebook: VoteKimberlyEllis Twitter: kimberlyellis10 Instagram: kimberlyellis2017