EMPLOYEE MAGAZINE position to thrive and benefit from the shift that is already happening .
Ask yourself the following questions : 1 . What are some of the most sort after skills today in my industry that I need to develop ? 2 . What are the new trends in my industry that I need to know more about today ? 3 . What impact will the 4th Industrial revolution have in my industry in the long run ? 4 . How can I position myself for opportunities in the evolving job market today ? Although the concept of using your skills and talents to build something for yourself is not new , I think some people don ’ t really know the greatness they possess in them . They lack self-awareness about the skills , knowledge and the talents that they have within themselves . I have seen many people who are very talented and gifted but not sure about it , hence they settle for anything handed to them . The new economy demands you to be creative and apply yourself better than before . You need to identify what you are good at and starting building your own job . Your next job is in your hands , your skills . Your income is in your talents and abilities . Apply Yourself , Be Creative Growing people constantly evolve . They are not stuck in the old systems , processes and protocols that are no longer creating any value in the organization . They constantly shift and adopt new technologies that enhance growth , productivity and success within the organization . Their quest to grow and be creative pushes them to deliver incredible results at all times which helps the organization to grow . To them , life is about learning , growing and changing . They are able to thrive because they are not stagnant and not
locked up in their comfort zones . They do not wait for things to change , they change things . They initiate transformation and growth . Whether it is when serving clients , making calls , participating in a meeting , they constantly create new ways to make these experiences exciting and educative . “ You may not control all the events that happen to you , but you can decide not to be reduced by them .” - Maya Angelou
Know what other professionals know . How ? Connect and learn . Network with others and be in the mix of things . Networking is one of the best resources for career development and professional success . Networking is one of the most effective methods for accelerating the pace of your career development and providing you with new opportunities to succeed . Attend social networking sessions and connect with other professionals . “ A good network can provide job leads , possibilities for advancement and opportunities for personal improvement . If you hope to grow your career and increase your chances of professional success , you need to understand the importance of networking in business .” – Indeed Career Guide
While I was in the United States of America for my professional development training at Lehigh University in 2019 , I attended the weekly Young Professional Networking Sessions and I learnt a lot from these sessions . The sessions empowered me with relevant and timely information on my career as a Leadership and Career Coach . Networking opportunities provide an environment
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