How to prevent common
fires in the kitchen
• Do not leave cooking
unattended - take pans
off the heat
• Take care when wearing
loose clothing - it can easily
catch fire
• Keep electrical leads, tea
towels, and cloths away
from oven or hob
• Spark devices are safer
than matches or lighters
to light gas cookers
• Switch off oven or hob when
you have finished cooking
• Never leave children alone
in the kitchen
• If you deep fry food,
consider buying a
thermostatically controlled
electric deep fat fryer
Do not tackle pan fires:
get out, stay out and call 999
Never throw water over it
Turn off the heat if possible
Do not move the pan
Bedtime checklist
*Close inside doors at
night to stop a fire from
*Turn off and unplug
electrical appliances
unless they are
designed to be left on -
like your freezer
*Check your cooker is
turned off
*Don’t leave the washing
machine on
*Turn heaters off and put
up fireguards
*Put candles and
cigarettes out properly
*Make sure exits are
kept clear
*Keep door and window
keys where everyone
can find them