Emergency Review 001 | Page 8

• Plan your escape routes

and keep exits clear

• The best route is the usual

way in and out of your home

• Get everyone to practice

your escape plan

• Keep door and window keys

handy - tell members of your

household where they are

Make sure candles are

secured in a proper holder and

away from materials that may

catch fire - like curtains.

• Put candles out when

you leave the room, and

make sure they’re put out

completely at night

• Use a snuffer or a spoon to

put out candles. It’s safer

than blowing them out

when sparks can fly

• Children and pets shouldn’t

be left alone with candles

Be prepared


If your clothes catch on fire

Stop, drop

and roll

Don’t run Lie down and roll around Smother flames using a heavy material like a coat or blanket