eMates eMAtes - 3rd issue | Page 51

Agrigento and cinema
In 2016 a documentary called“ Fuocoammare”(“ Fire at Sea”) was shot in Lampedusa, a small island that belongs to the province of Agrigento. The film, nominated at the latest Oscars in the category of Best Documentary, is about the life of immigrants who escape from their countries due to wars, hunger and poverty. In the last 20 years, over 20 thousand people have drown in the Mediterranean Sea, trying to escape from their terrible living condition. They try to reach the“ gateway” of Europe, that is Lampedusa, this beautiful little island.
In the film, a doctor tells about those migrants that sail for days, so hungry and tired and then they come here and they don’ t find any job or any way to survive. The doctor also tells how many dead bodies, especially women and children, he has had to survey. What a contrast, with the breathtaking beauty of this island!
( Ilenia Inglima)
Our Job Placement Project
The job placement project is an Italian law that establishes that all students in the 6th, 7th and 8th year of Secondary School must work for a total of 400 hours by the school leaving exam( taken at the age of 18). We, who study four languages( German, French, English and Italian) carry out an activity as tour guides. Our job takes place in the beautiful garden called " Kolymbethra ", built many centuries ago. We welcome tourists guiding them through the garden, located in the prestigious Valley of the Temples, and tell them the story of this place and about the people who live here in 900 BC. We carry out a total of 6 hours daily and we alternate the work with the school regular classes. In each course of study the activity takes place in a different way: some students working in a bank, some in our local television stations, others in hotels or restaurants. I personally think that this project has some advantages, as we familiarise with the world of work and have an opportunity to learn about our economy and territory. But, on the other side, we miss many school activities.( Asia Guerra)