Elysia Diaz Love Commands | Page 4

do , and what you visualize , it could become much more than that . The most dangerous spell to cast is a direct love spell , something that could involve marriage , eroticism , or even jealousy . You can evoke in people with the purpose of manipulating them to take notice of you , and want to have you in their life . This can be done very safely if you are simply visualizing , using a simple candle , or even essential oils with rose-colored quartz crystals , to create the desired effect . These are really full of power , and as you picture yourself with this person , and you see them becoming interested or even obsessed with you , it may lead to the desired effect . Whether you decide to cast a love spell for attraction , attract a lover , or cast a spell to find a person that you would like to marry , the use of rose petals , rosemary , peppermint and lavender oil , and a strand of hair from this person will allow this sympathetic magic to actually work . All things in the universe are energy , and through the power of intention and visualization , mixed with your passion to be with this particular person , you will be able to effect a change in their desires for you , the very basis of how love spells work .
We have come a long way since 1960 when the dead hand of the censor was lifted off the classic novel , Lady Chatterley ' s Lover . As a youngster , I must have got hold of a contraband copy and my youthful fingers trembled as I turned the novel ' s pages . I am not surprised that author ; D . H . Lawrence first considered calling his novel Tenderness . The love making between Lady Chatterley and her gamekeeper lover Oliver Mellors was in fact sensitively portrayed . The language used was matter of fact without intending to shock . The censors were right to lift the ban . Here was a golden opportunity in literature to treat the act of making love as the most pure and noble of human experiences . Instead , the floodgates opened to reduce this most precious of gifts , that of procreation , to the depths of degeneracy . Pornography has turned love-making into a display of semi-violent crude sex . It is now as far removed from romantic love as it is possible to be . The scenes portrayed are often perverted , depraved and in graphic form similar to biblical visions of hell . Few of us can relate such activity to our own lives .
What happened to the inspiring nature of lovemaking ; the quickened heart of love at first sight ; a shy flowering of mutual attraction ; the chemistry between two people we know exists but cannot fathom . Is the love that grows to a point where a partner ' s life is more important than one ' s own still recognized ? Pornography slammed its jackboot on the neck of mutual affection , togetherness , tenderness , shared spirits and ideals . Porn trampled on commitment , the concept of developing relationships through the most beautiful form of foreplay imaginable ; the courting process . Pornography is what pig swill is to food . The quackery of mockery clubbed the world ' s romantic idealists and set out its stall to the most base of animal instincts in man .
True lovemaking is a carnival of living for its purpose is life . Pornography represents the death of spiritual and physical romance ; it drives a stake through its life-giving purpose . It wasn ' t the removal of censorship that let loose the backed-up sewer of pornography that flooded over our lives . It was our inability to separate the highest form of romance from the most debauched and degenerate of sex . We are reminded of Elizabeth Browning ' s poem : How do I Love Thee ? This beautiful poem is still voted Britain ' s most loved romantic poem . If the word beginning with the letter L was replaced with another four letter word beginning with F would that poem and many other sonnets of pure love have survived for five minutes let alone hundreds of years ? That is the difference between animal rutting and romantic love : One lasts for a few minutes to leave a feeling of barrenness , the other lasts for centuries and leaves one with a sense of fulfillment .
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