Relationships are all about harmony and as such only when both people are * happy * can it finally be somewhat harmonious , and even though disagreements will still pop up from time to time it will be easier for the relationship to weather them and find a peaceful resolution . If one side of the equation is feeling less than content with how things are going the balance is beginning to shift in the wrong direction . It takes two happy people to forge a happy relationship .
A person who is literally making you feel as if they have an advantage over you in the relationship will always be a bad thing . Under no circumstance should you feel neglected or feel like a maid ( Picking up after your spouse constantly and alone ), it hurts to be taken for granted and quite simply the person who is found doing this should be cut off because that ' s not love and its unlikely that such behavior will change . The ability to change the way a person thinks about you can be done in many different ways . You could try conventional means such as talking to this person , building a relationship with them , eventually leading to a strong relationship . However , there are some people we like that have never shown an interest in us before , and for various reasons , you may not be confident that they will be able to ever like or love you . If your wish is to change this person ' s attitude toward you , there are love spells that work very well to convince other people through magical means that you are the right person for them . You need to be careful when casting the spells , however , something that we will now discuss .
The Dangers Of Love Spells
Before you decide to cast a love spell to get a person to notice you , or to fall in love with you , there are a few things you need to consider . First of all , you are manipulating the motivations of another person , and in the laws of magic , things always need to be brought back to balance . By manipulating them , which is what you are doing , there may be other things in your life that will occur that may cause you to be adversely influenced by others . It is the law of cause and effect , something that all people understand who cast spells regularly , and therefore proper safety precautions , so to speak , should be enacted before the spell is ever cast .
Reflection Spells For Protection
The best way to protect yourself against any negative repercussions of casting a love spell on another person is to put reflection spells up in place before hand . This way , you have the potential of deflecting any negative ramifications that may come your way as the universe tries to bring balance . These can be done through a magical ritual , similar to the love spell , where you visualize negative consequences being reflected . You also need to blend into that spell the idea that there will be no harm done to others , and of course no harm done to yourself .
Three Love Spells That Work
The first type of love spell that you should cast is an attraction spell . This will usually get the proverbial ball rolling . They will start to take notice of you , and it is a very small spell that you can cast that will allow the natural interaction between the two of you to actually take over , hardly influencing them at all . The second type of love spell that can work is one for relationships , something that will prompt them to want to be in a relationship with you . This might start with friendship , but depending upon the amount of visualization that you