daughter turned she heard,
“Don't give up!
Don't quit!”
God placed
people in her
life that supported her, encouraged her,
and loved her.
Bullying had caused her to lose hope. She felt
alone and afraid. Now she was surrounded by
people who wanted to help her. She wasn’t
alone and it gave her hope.
My daughter’s school counsellor, a precious
young woman, told her to journal her
thoughts and her pain to God and to trust
Him to help her. Although I had said much the
same thing previously to her, she wasn’t ready
to listen to me yet because she was still mad
I had invaded her privacy, so I praised God
when He used another person to speak to
her. It was truly a “God thing” because in this
particular public school, teachers and counsellors did not give spiritual advice to their
students, they were discouraged from doing
so in fact, but I believe God gave this woman
boldness to speak to my girl about embracing her faith in God and it impacted my child
at a critical time in her life. She also gave my
daughter some very practical ways to “stand
up” to the bullies at school.
Hold your head up. Act confident. Do not retaliate or get angry. (Bullies are intimidated by
those who do not fear them.)
Respond evenly and firmly to them or say
nothing and walk away.
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