few months ago I had the wonderful opportunity to go into a High School and share my
story to all of the Religion classes from Grades 8
to 12.
I actually don’t like to call it ‘my’ story because I
believe my story, just like your story, is still being
written. I am convinced that God’s purpose for
everyone’s story is to have a wonderful, exciting
As I started thinking about what I was going
to say to the teenagers it really hit me just how
much Jesus has truly changed my life. I felt as
if I was talking about someone who must have
been a distant friend because I no longer felt a
connection to the pain and depression that once
invaded the life of that young girl. As I shared
about this girl that was once so lost and broken I
couldn’t believe I was once her.
Growing up life seemed quite good. It was filled
with friends, family, sport and holidays. It was at
the beginning of High School when my life started to take a turn for the worse. I started High
School in a small, remote country town in NSW.
Starting High School in a new town, at a school
known for its bullying, with my Dad as the new
principal (although it had ]