E.L.I.O.T.project_role play _If I were a MEP ELIOT project_ Role play _ If I were a MEP_english | Página 2

E.L.I.O.T. - ENHANCING LITERACY BASIC SKILLS AND FIGHTING DROPOUT WITH CROSS- CURRICULAR THEATRICAL EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING Italy_ role play on European Institutions and Committees' law debate Subject Law / Citizenship activities IF I were a MEP (..a Member of European Parliament) Title Goals of the Unit Learning Outcomes Experience European institutions , especially EU Parliament debate through a role play focusing on relevant issues discussed in its agenda. Students ,acting as representatives of EU Parliament major political groups , will research , discuss and vote amendments and /or reject an article on relevant topics they have selected from a list suggested by the teachers of the transnational team involved in the project. Role play on EU Committees' works: Students will  be acquainted with European institutions, their role and relationships;  learn how Meps work and how EU legislation is processed  use role play , DiE and the forum theatre techniques to act as if they were MEPs;  search and organize information in a dossier and elaborate proposals related to Parliament Acts/Laws on relevant topic discussed in the European agenda  work and collaborate responsibly in a team  improve their self confidence, organizational and linguistic abilities Key competences Communicate in mother tongue and in a foreign language promoting linguistic diversity Develop social, civic and European awareness Be able to communicate constructively in different situations Research and process information to achieve a goal Skills Contents ( Referring to a single competence) be acquainted with European institutions, their role and relationships use role play to act European parliament and Committees procedures use the DiE and the forum theatre techniques Search in the web material on concerned topics Organize materials on the selected topics in a dossier in English work in team and contribute to the achievement of a common goal Target students/class Be able to to cooperate, solve problems and work in team promote cultural awareness and diversity respect and acceptance Learn to organize themselves, to acquire their own learning strategy and their own method of study Employ innovative digital skills and devices (contents for each competence ) European Institutions and their symbols Political groups and EU Committees compositions and processing procedures DiE and forum theatre techniques Human rights, renewable energies EU institutions, Human rights, renewable energies Organizational and team strategies Italian classes involved: 1 and 2 classes Classes and / or students locally selected by projects partner countries