ELIOT_Learning activities_Attività Didattiche 4_ELIOT_ Italia_Attività didattiche _Learning Issu | Page 28

Erasmus+ “ ELIOT” (Enhancing Literacy basIc skills and fighting dropOut with cross-curricular Theatrical experiential learning https://joom.ag/27cY ELIOT_terzo gruppo _role play_ If I were a MEP ELIOT_ LU 3 rd group _ role play If I were a MEP Students' extra activities Attività extra svolte dagli studenti https://joom.ag/mgIa Piste di discussione per TPM, TTLA e Blended Mobilities Subject matter drafts for TPM and TTLA https://joom.ag/dEaa ELIOT_ ITALIA_ UDA realizzate dal team Italiano ELIOT_ITALY_ Italian Learning Units https://joom.ag/2Lea