ELIOT_Learning activities_Attività Didattiche 4_ELIOT_ Italia_Attività didattiche _Learning Issu | Page 27

Erasmus+ “ ELIOT” (Enhancing Literacy basIc skills and fighting dropOut with cross-curricular Theatrical experiential learning PORTuGAL https://issuu.com/anafontes/docs/if_i_were_a_mep_activi ty_-_portugue_9ea87405b758c f LINKS to all digital Learning Units and issue produced https://joom.ag/8fVY ELIOT_ primo gruppo di UDA_Arte_Storia_Geografia ELIOT_ LU _1 st group _Arts_History_Geography https://joom.ag/9mYa ELIOT_secondo gruppo UDA_Inglese_LinguaMadre_STEM ELIOT_ LU 2nd group_ English_Mother Tongue_ STEM