E.L.I.O.T _Italia le unità didattiche Eliot_Italia_UDA realizzate x il progetto | Page 29

E.L.I.O.T. - ENHANCING LITERACY BASIC SKILLS AND FIGHTING DROPOUT WITH CROSS-CURRICULAR THEATRICAL EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ID Number: 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024165   Once the result of the ballot will be known, the students break down in small groups of three, and each group will work on 2 idioms. The groups are asked to search the internet for an image to illustrate their idioms, to find the Italian equivalent (if any) or to propose a translation into Italian, and to find (if any/if known) the origin of the Italian and English idioms/sayings. The outcomes of each group will be uploaded on a class shared padlet and assessed by the teacher. Final (5 minutes)   The teacher elicits once again from the students the fact that idioms are culturally bound and brainstorms the cultural elements emerging from the selected idioms. The teacher asks the students to start thinking of a story featuring as many idioms as possible and to look for and bring to school any props/costumes and/or make-up to act out scenes featuring idioms. 4th and 5th lessons: Miming idioms for the other students to guess Introductions (2 minutes)  The teacher explains that students are going to be actors for the day. Development (30 minutes)     First, in pairs, students have to choose one of the idioms/sayings they are familiar with and prepare to mime it for their classmates to guess. The teacher makes sure that every couple mimes a different idiom/saying. The mimes will be filmed and uploaded on the class padlet. The students as a class vote the mime they like the best motivating their choice. Further development (60 minutes)       In groups of three students are asked to write a story using as many of the ten selected idioms as possible. The teacher circulates and check as the students work. Using the story as a starting point, students will write a script featuring all members of the group. The groups will perform their plays wearing their costumes and make up (if any) The performances are filmed by the teacher. Students who can sing can write a song and perform it as part of