E.L.I.O.T._2nd group_ Learning Units 14 SCHOOL PARTNERS | Page 28

E.L.I.O.T. - ENHANCING LITERACY BASIC SKILLS AND FIGHTING DROPOUT WITH CROSS-CURRICULAR THEATRICAL EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ID Number: 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024165 LEARNING UNIT TEMPLATE SUBJECT STEM The World of proportions TITLE Goals of the unit Learning outcomes _ITALY Ability to recognize the relationship between proportions and real world phenomena. Key competences     Apply techniques and procedures of arithmetic and algebraic calculation in real contexts, also representing them in graphical form. Recognizing proportions and similarities. Recognizing proportionality and similarities in STEM. Identification of appropriate strategies for solving problems. SKILLS (Referring to a single competence)     Apply basic mathematical principles and processes in everyday life, in the domestic sphere and at work. Follow and examine concatenations of topics. Develop a mathematical reasoning. Communicate in mathematical language Target students/class PREREQUISITES Time expected Contents (contents for each competence)        Relationship between two numbers Enlargements and reductions Proportions and properties Search for unknown terms Euclidean theorem Kepler Laws Problem solving techniques through proportions Class: 1 A Agricultural course     Knowledge and use of the four operations Knowledge and use of equivalences Universe knowledge The structure of the Solar System 8 hours