E.L.I.O.T._2nd group_ Learning Units 14 SCHOOL PARTNERS | Page 22

E.L.I.O.T. - ENHANCING LITERACY BASIC SKILLS AND FIGHTING DROPOUT WITH CROSS-CURRICULAR THEATRICAL EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ID Number: 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024165 3. To apply the theoretical concepts in solving different practical tasks. 4. Development of team-working skills and interpersonal skills. 5. To encourage students to interact in heterogeneous groups. 6. Use technology interactively. Target students/c lass Prerequisi tes Time expected 3. Verifying the implementation of general aims and specific objectives by solving the control tasks 4. Co-operating to organize role-play, freeze frame, conscience alley… 5. Discussion about recognizing, identifying and analyzing proportions in art and everyday life. 6. Create Prezi, exchange information through e-paths (e-mail, messenger, facebook) 15-17 years old The students should already  Know the main definitions and properties of proportions  Know how to identify proportions in formulas of physics, engineering  Know the term of Golden section and its applcations to art, architecture  Have basic knowledge of English and IT. 8 hours (45 minutes each) Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics, Art, Drama, Music Interdisci plinary links Methodol ogy http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/ratio-proportion-d_1300.html https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/elibrary/resource/30812/ratios-and-proportions https://www.slideshare.net/garnaout/who-killed-mr http://blogs.sch.gr/nickrodis/files/2014/09/%CE%A0%CE%9F%CE%99%CE%9F%CE%A3- %CE%A3%CE%9A%CE%9F%CE%A4%CE%A9%CE%A3%CE%95-%CE%A4%CE%9F%CE%9D- %CE%9A%CE%A5%CE%A1%CE%99%CE%9F-%CE%A7.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgNq94GjFI in pairs, in groups, individual work, Drama in Education