"A God centered relationship is worth the wait."
In the absence of a plan, we contemplate psychologically
between right and wrong, saying, “We know we’re supposed to (wait), but nobody does.” “There’s no real conversation about waiting, so, we don’t really have to.” “The people we look to in culture didn’t wait, yet, it looks like the
favor of God is on them, what do we get from waiting?”
These along with many other scenarios and questions are
addressed in the New York Times Best Seller, The Wait by
the Franklins.
In our search for a better understanding we enlisted the
If you remember, Tim Bowman, Jr. and Brelyn Freeman
at the time of their nuptials were both virgins, who “Made
Jesus Famous” by standing on their covenant amidst the
media frenzy.
The Bowmans both in their early twenties proclaimed
their knowledge and belief in the Word of God concerning marriage and honored principles taught early on, that
sexual intimacy would only be shared with their spouses.
And to their surprise the news was not well received by
many who profess Christ.
In today’s hyper sexual climate theirs is a story of love,
and victory. Mrs. Bowman recalls the vow she made to
God, before her family and friends at 13 years old, to
remain kept, until marriage, and she prevailed. At the
time of marriage she presented her father, Pastor Mike
Freeman of Spirit of Faith Christian Center, a Certificate
of Purity, to show that she kept her vow. This was not a
prerequisite by her father, but rather an honorable moment to show she remained obedient to her pledge.