ELE Times March 2017 ELE Times | Page 51

In Conversation

Mentor provides EDA tools to design complete electronic systems

Mentor Graphics provides EDA tools to design complete electronic systems , from the chip ’ s packaging , to printed circuit boards , to multiple boards integrated with connectors and cables , to systems of systems such as automobiles and factory equipment , integrating increasingly with mechanical / mechatronic tools to create smart cars , smart factories and even smart cities .
Harry Foster , Chief Scientist Verification , Mentor Graphics in an interview with Pratibha Rawat , Sub Editor , ELE Times , discusses and gave the insight on EDA tools and solutions to design engineers . Excerpts .
Harry Foster Chief Scientist Verification
Mentor Graphics
ELE Times : What is the latest EDA tool
sequence , called throughput ( 5x faster
your company is offering focusing on IC
than the previous generation ), 10X faster
Design and how is it different from its
time-to-visibility , or time to debug , 3X
predecessors ?
faster compilation time ( with 100 %
Harry Foster : The latest product launch
success rate ) and 3X faster virtual cofrom
Mentor Graphics is for the Veloce
model bandwidth ( the fastest virtual co-
Strato emulation platform , Mentor ’ s thirdimprovements
model solution available ). All of these
generation emulation platform with a
in performance are
capacity roadmap to 15 billion gates . In
attributed to the new Veloce Strato OS .
addition to announcing the VeloceStrato
ELE Times : What is your company doing
platform , Mentor announced two
to eliminate the dilemma in terms of cost
significant products that are part of the
for design engineers who needs entryplatform
: the Veloce StratoM high-
level desktop solutions that are fast to
capacity emulator , and the Veloce Strato
pick up but limited in capability ?
OS enterprise-level operating system .
Veloce StratoM is the initial piece of hardware for the Veloce Strato emulation platform , and Veloce Strato OS is the centerpiece of the total emulation system as it allows verification teams to take full advantage of the power of the Veloce
StratoM hardware .
Harry Foster : Concerning cost in general , the EDA industry has done a remarkable job of managing cost to keep up with
Moore ’ s Law . In fact , what is amazing is that the EDA cost per transistor continues to decrease at about 30 percent per year since 1985 . This is essentially the same rate as the decrease in revenue per
For those who are not familiar with
transistor , which is another way of stating
hardware emulation , let ’ s talk about
Moore ’ s Law . The point is that if the EDA
howhardware emulation works . A
cost per transistor didn ’ t decrease at the
hardware emulator is a high-capacity ,
same rate as the revenue per transistor ,
piece of hardware equipment that is
then we would not be able to achieve
designed to verify SoC designs using the
Moore ’ s Law .
RTL description of the SoC design . The RTL description is a ‘ software or code ’ version of the design . But when it is compiled on to the emulator ( which is loaded with boards that are populated with chips ) it becomes a hardware version of the design that is resident in the emulator . From that point engineers run ‘ tests ’ on the hardware version of the designto verify that the design works as expected . In addition , they can run firmware , OS boot code and many other ‘ application ’ types of software on the hardware version of the design to verify that the software for the system works in advance of actual silicon availability . An emulation team uses the test results to debug the hardware design and the software that is targeted for the design .
Obviously , there are a wide variety of EDA tools available today . Generally you will find that FPGA and PCB tools are relatively less expensive than IC design tools , and
PCB and FPGA tools vary greatly as to price point and ease of use . But when you start talking about IC design tools , you have to consider not only the “ cost ” of the tool , but the value of what you are getting for the cost and increased productivity .
Designing ICs , especially for the latest silicon process geometries , is a highly complex set of tasks that have to be performed by highly skilled engineers .
There are many complex tasks and tools that make up the IC design process so they are not inexpensive relative to other forms of software like Microsoft Word or Excel , but the cost is more than worth it if
Mentor Graphics is a leader in the
companies are able to deliver a working
emulation market segment and our newly
chip to market before competitors and
released Veloce StratoM is the industry ’ s
thus maximize profitability .
most advanced and scalable emulator . It enables design teams to verify design that are extremely large , in fact , up to 15- billion gates in size . While there are no designs that large today , Mentor projects that designs of this size will be a reality by
2021 . The Veloce StratoM has the industry ’ s fastest compile-runtime-debug
Nonetheless , we are value sensitive to our customers . As an example , for PCB systems design , Mentor Graphics offers a portfolio that scales based on design and organizational complexity . Small teams need tools that are easy to adopt and use .
Large teams made up of domain specialists need a collaboration
ELE Times | 51 | March , 2017