Crime Reports
No previous instances of rape or
fondling on or around the Santa Ana
College campus in the last three years.
20-year-old Santa Ana College student charged
with assailing Middle College High teen
Words by Carrie Graham
A Santa Ana College student
tle IX administrator in accordance
was arrested Monday, Sept. 23
with administrative regulations.”
and booked on multiple sexual
Rancho Santiago Community Col-
assault charges stemming from
lege District recently appointed
a Valentine’s Day interaction with
title IX administrator Jean Estevez,
a Middle College High School
has not returned requests for
Kenji Kina, 20, admitted to
A now-deleted LinkedIn pro-
“engaging in sex acts” with the
file belonging to an individual of
unidentified 14-year-old victim,
the same name as the suspect
who he was aware was 14, San-
claimed to be a history major at
ta Ana Police Cpl. Anthony
SAC with interest in the WWII era.
Bertagna said. The incident was
History department faculty did
first reported to Santa Ana Police
not return requests for comment,
Department in July.
but students who said Kina was in
“Once the detectives working
their math class reported that he
with college campus Safety got
has not attended since the week
the suspect identified, a war-
before his arrest.
rant was issued for his arrest,”
Kina first met the victim on
Bertagna said. “He was arrested,
campus in February. On the
booked, and did bail out of jail”.
morning of Feb. 14, he allegedly
Bertangna also confirmed that the told the unidentified 14- year-old
District Attorney has filed charges, female that he wanted to show
though according to the Orange
her a “cool place” and took her to
County court website, no court
a secluded stairwell, Bertagna
date is currently scheduled.
told reporters. Once there, Bertag-
“This is an ongoing investigation, na said, “Kina began ‘making out’
so we are unable to provide de-
with the victim who said she was
tails,” said SAC Public Information
overcome with fear.” After that,
Officer Brin Wall. “However, we
“Kina sexually assaulted the victim.”
take this matter very seriously and
The California Penal Code 243.4
as a sexual misconduct report, it is defines sexual battery (assault)
being reviewed by the District’s Ti- as “touch[ing] an intimate part of
el Don Santa Ana College · September 2019
another person while that person
is unlawfully restrained by the
accused or an accomplice, and if
the touching is against the will of
the person touched and is for the
purpose of sexual arousal, sexual
gratification, or sexual abuse.”
MCHS is a Santa Ana Unified
School District campus located
on the southwest corner of SAC’s
main campus. Students at the
high school are dual-enrolled at
SAC and take online and in-per-
son classes alongside adult
“We have armed officers here
[who] patrol in SUV and golf carts,
walk the campus and ride bikes,”
said Safety and Security Lt. Scott
Baker of SAC's current safety
measures. “We’re replacing our
call boxes with the blue security
phones that are easier to see.”
The district’s 2019 annual crime
report shows no previous instanc-
es of sexual assault on or around
the Santa Ana College campus in
the last three years.
Campus Safety conducts safety
seminars every semester to
groups that request it. Students
may report any incidents through
the LiveSafe app.
SAC student Kenji Kina
FEBRUARY 14: Kina lured
the minor to a secluded
stairwell on SAC campus.
Then, he sexually assaulted
the victim .
JULY 2019: Victim first
reported the incident to
SAPD, after talking to her
SEPTEMBER 23: Kina was
arrested by SAPD and was
booked for multiple sex