El Diario del CISO El Diario del CISO (The CISO Journal) Edición 13 | Página 5
Thinking and Working for a
Digital Security Leader
Key elements of Leadership of a #DSL #DigitalSecLeader
1. We will always be a desirable target, it is necessary to evangelize the organization in this aspect. 2. It is possible for a digital adversary
to succeed in attacking us, no infallible system, process or mechanism and therefore it is necessary that this be communicated in the best
possible way. So getting ready is the key to being resilient. 3. Cyber-security is a business issue, not a technology issue, how working in a
reliable presence in the digital context will increase the ability of the organization to do business in that digital
context. Trust, Accessibility and Compliance are fundamental pieces of the creation of reliable digitally modified answers for business
development. This is part of the communication that the #DSL must offer
6. Build relationships
A #DSL without relations and political capital cannot exercise its function naturally. The business is based on a solid base of relationships
and trust. Without these two things, you cannot have a business, or at least not a successful business. The #DSL must take part of your
day to build relationships with your team members, your customers and suppliers, your boss and your boss's boss, others in your industry
and your community. The stronger your relationships, the better and more extended their leadership, which has an impact on execution
and results. A #LSD without relationships cannot create digitally reliable environments and less a culture of security
7. Shows technical or professional experience (Acumen)
The sum of Attitude + Experience + Knowledge are key elements should be added that all #DSL permanently. Many of the #DSLs start
with specific capabilities and as they move forward they expand those capabilities, so it is key work that is continually being
developed. In today's times it is key to be Transdiciplinar, experts of what they have experienced and in turn able to better understand
the world of relationships, leadership and others an appropriate mix that allows them to function and serve better in the organization
around development as a professional of security.
8. Shows a strategic perspective
It is necessary that the #DSL develop its strategic capabilities, its power of vision and clearly connect it with the vision of the
organization. A leader has a long-term vision of the future and avoids getting stuck in the here and now. While they can be tactical when
necessary, they maintain the strategic perspective needed to guide their businesses towards the best possible future. Managing the future
is not guessing what can happen is to have a clear path of how to build it, in the context of #DSL it is key that it is updated in the
contexts, that is able to see the panorama a little wider, that is not Jamming with the future, or with the present and with a position of
achievement moving forward on the path of building digital trust environments in line with the business and the reason for being the
organization. Use tactics in certainty, use data to plan and model, use uncertainty to set scenarios of what can happen.
9. Develop others
Today the #DSL has more and more resources in charge, and its power to connect is at a high point. Therefore, as Leader properly and
according to the literature, he must be able to develop others along the way without being the exception of the #DSL. Then,
intentionally, a #DSL must reserve all necessary resources (time, money and budgets) to develop its work team. They must be looking for
and encouraging talents, becoming mentors of others and providing all the opportunities for them to develop. A direct and indirect
security team must be part of the tasks of the #LSD to consciously develop in their effort to have greater possibilities of building digital
trust in today's organizational environments.
10. Innovare
According to the Global Electric Innovation Barometer 2012, which surveyed 2,800 senior executives on the state of innovation worldwide,
92 percent of respondents agreed with the statement that "innovation is the main lever to create a more competitive economy.” The
ability to innovate is a key skill for every great leader. A #DSL is not exempt from this reality, innovation requires attention and
dedication, it is not just creating new things, it is creating things that are really useful. #DSL uses innovation as a tool to better connect
its purpose with that of the organization. While it is true that the thought of the current #DSL is security, it is necessary to innovate so
that the thought and actions are not only security but are around the business in a more reliable way when doing it. Thus, the #DSL uses
innovation so that two worlds must unite "security" + "business" = "value" and under that equation it is the responsibility of the #DSL to co-
These are the global considerations based on the literature you review, maybe as a reader you think there is more and it is possible. The
important thing about all this is connected to the fact that the #DSL are in a moment of history where they are called to be more and do
more. That it is necessary for them to understand their value, in the organization that everything points to assuming their new roles and
responsibilities in a more conscious way and that their results will arrive to the same extent. The current and next #DSLs will have to take
on great challenges and, above all, start quickly leaving their comfort zones to meet the challenges of the organizations they serve in
order to facilitate the path that organizations have to do in contexts and realities. Digital to which they are engaged.
In this context we leave these questions for the reflections of readers, who are invited to rethink, reflect and if they wish to share their
How is it necessary for current #DSL to develop its full potential?, What capacity do you think you should develop more?, What more
is required of you to be able to develop all these capabilities and be high impact #DSL?, How are you attending the call that your
organization makes to be high-value #DSL?, What can you do differently so that your capabilities as #DSL are developed and
multiplied?, What has been learned so far you need to leave behind to evolve in the development of your abilities?, What can be the
first step for you to start developing your capabilities as high impact #DSL?
You want to talk about this topic. Write us with pleasure we chatted. coné[email protected]
Based on: Terry Ray (2019). I s 2019 the Year of the CISO? DarkReading. Recovered from: https://www.darkreading.com/risk/is-2019-the-year-of-the-ciso/a/d-
Based on: Peter Economy (2019). This Study Leaders of 300,000 Revealed the Top 10 Traits for Success , Inc. Recovered from: https://www.inc.com/peter-