Ekklesia Rising Magazine | Page 17

them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.

Matthew 2:9-10, NKJV

I believe that when the Wise Men encountered the Lamb of God, Jesus, there was an impartation from heaven at that moment in time. The Word tells they rejoiced with Great Joy!

In the book of Job, we are told that the Lord laid the foundations of the universe. We also know, through scientific breakthrough, the stars and planets make sounds in the universe and these songs are now being recorded.

When the morning stars sang together And all the sons of God (angels) shouted for joy?

Job 38:7, AMP

The star of Bethlehem was a giant star so common sense tells us, that the sound coming from it would have been massive as the Word of God was proclaimed in the universe and flowed down to earth.

I believe, also that the streams of glory that

were seen streaming down from the star

were not only visual but were an impartation

from the throne of heaven. Again, I am not

a scientist, but we are now discovering and

understanding a little, about Scalar energy.

Scalar energy produces waves in the

universe and is stationary energy which

extends throughout the entire universe.

Scientists are now finding that Scalar

energy waves come into our atmosphere, on

earth, and interact with our bodies to bring


Holy Spirit will give us, even more, revelation about the star as we progress in our understanding of His creations and His universe. Because of the birth of our Savior, the glory of the Lord was invading earth from heaven. The Star of Bethlehem must have produced scalar waves in enormous proportions. Waves that would release healing, shalom, prosperity, and the love of the Father!! All life and glory of the Lamb manifesting in the birth of one precious Child, the Son of God!!

Connie Johnston is called as a Debra, a prophet, and a Mother-in-Israel. She has been in worship ministry, Gloryfire Ministries, for 35 plus years. She is currently serving on worship and prayer teams. She is a worship leader, musician, singer in the house of the Lord as well as a music teacher. She has two degrees to teach music; Master of Arts in Music Education and an undergraduate degree in Music. The specialty areas that she has grace to minister prophetically are intercessory worship and prophetic worship.