Ekklesia Rising Magazine | Page 16

Prophetic Word

Star of Bethlehem

I was blessed this year to direct a Christmas program for our Christian school. The children did such an awesome job and honesty, after working so many years in a public school, it was so liberating to be able to tell the story of the Lord's birth again! Wow… we are so blessed to live in a country where we can proclaim the Word of God with joy and freedom.

We were debating as to how to present the Star of Bethlehem. What a sign and wonder! It must have been glorious to behold the star’s light and the streams of glory emulating from it. Our star in the program was very cute, however, I began to pray and ask Holy Spirit to give me more revelation about the Star. First, let me be clear, I am not a scientist and I do not claim to be an expert in Quantum physics or astronomy. The star was a sign and wonder proclaiming the birth of our Lord Jesus!

So many questions came to mind about the star’s appearance. Did the star appear suddenly over the stable at the actual moment of the Messiah's birth? Was the star in place when the angels appeared to the shepherds? Luke 2:13-14 says “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

Did the star travel across the universe as the Wise Men for the East were pursuing it? Herod was desperately trying to determine what time the star appeared.

Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, determined from them what time the star appeared.

Matthew 2:7 NKJV

When they heard the king, they

departed; and behold, the star which

they had seen in the East went before

them, till it came and