Eidelman & Associates Things to know about Divorce Mediation | Page 2
Divorcing someone can be a painful and stressful situation, often lasting for years as the couple
try and negotiate leaving each other’s lives and how to best handle the situation. It is a very
tricky and hurtful process to navigate, especially if it is affecting other people in the couples
family and circle of friends. This is why it is best to find the best mediator possible, to make
the whole process a lot smoother. There are several steps that a divorcing couple can follow to
help the decision less painful and to ensure that there is a minimal impact on both themselves
as well as for those who love them.
If two people also know what to expect before they enter into divorce mediations, this may
also make the entire process less daunting and lessen the emotional distress. Even though it
may seem painful, it is best to remember that divorce mediation might cost less money and be
less tough than contested litigation, so it is best for divorcing couples to thoroughly research
their options before going through with anything.