EHS STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25 | Page 54

BUS CONDUCT RULES As stated in the bus transportation policy of the Enfield Board of Education ( 513.1 ), bus transportation is not an unlimited right granted the student . Of utmost importance is the safety of everyone on the bus or at the bus stop . Thus , students will be held to reasonable regulations , which if not followed , may cause them to be excluded from bus transportation . The school administration , authorized by the Board of Education in this same policy , will “ suspend transportation services for any student whose conduct while waiting or receiving transportation to and from school endangers persons or property .” Any behavior that may distract the bus driver or infringe upon the rights of other students will also result in disciplinary action , including suspension from school .
Alternative forms of Transportation Biking , skateboarding , roller blading , etc . are not allowed on school property and / or parking lots except for the sole purpose of transporting oneself to and from school . Use of appropriate alternative methods of transporting oneself to school must be operated in a safe manner when on school property . Students must not speed and should offer walkers the right of way .
STUDENT ACCOUNTABILITY FOR LOST OR DAMAGED SCHOOL PROPERTY School property should receive the same care as personal belongings . All textbooks and equipment issued to students must be returned in good condition . Normal wear and tear of textbooks and equipment is expected . However , if a student loses or misuses school property , the teacher will issue an accountability form for the material lost or damaged . Students will also be held accountable for any damage done to the school building or property .
Students will not receive report cards or other services , which would ordinarily be furnished by the school , until all financial responsibilities have been cleared . Seniors will jeopardize their graduation if all their financial responsibilities have not been cleared .
Locks , Lockers and Desks Upon request students will be provided with a lock and locker so that books and other valuables can be stored safely . Always keep your locker locked and do not share your locker .
1 . Since students have a personal locker and lock , they will be responsible for their own belongings . Be sure that the locker is kept locked . The school is not liable for lost articles . This includes all gym lockers .
2 . Students are responsible for the locks issued to them . If lost , students must pay $ 10.00 for a replacement . Use of padlocks not issued by the school is not permitted . 3 . Please keep lockers clean . 4 . Lockers must be emptied at the end of the school year by the student . Anything left in the locker at the close of the school year will be removed and discarded . Padlocks must also be removed and taken home .
OUTSIDE GUESTS / VISITORS Outside visitors ( including alumnae ) are NOT allowed to visit during school hours . Parents visiting the school for meetings , appointments , PPT ’ s , etc ., must first report to the Welcome Center . Extenuating circumstances may dictate exceptions by the administration .
iPad Responsibilities Reference iPad student handbook
Revised 8 / 23 / 2024