EHS STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25 | Page 53

Tobacco / E-Cigarette Use by Students There shall be no smoking or any other unauthorized use or possession of tobacco , tobacco products , including chewing tobacco or tobacco paraphernalia , and electronic nicotine delivery systems or vapor products by students in any school building or school vehicle at any time or on any school grounds during the school day , or at any time when the student is subject to the supervision of designated school personnel . Such as when the student is at any school function , extracurricular event , field trip , or school related activity such as a work-study program . An ongoing program of student support and counseling will be offered to provide support for students who wish to break the smoking habit .
Tobacco includes , but is not limited to cigarettes , cigars , snuff , smoking tobacco , smokeless tobacco , nicotine , nicotine delivering systems or vapor product , chemicals , or devices that produce the same flavor or physical effect of nicotine substances ; and any other tobacco or nicotine innovations .
Students who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action . The Superintendent shall propose , and the Board of Education shall approve procedures and regulations to ensure that any student violating this policy is subjected to disciplinary action , and that any disciplinary actions imposed for similar actions are treated consistently
* In addition to possible school consequences , if the infraction occurs within the school building , the police will issue an “ Infraction Ticket ” which carries a fine for students 16 years of age or older . If the student is under 16 , a referral form to Juvenile Review Board will be issued . For the purpose of clarification , anyone holding or smoking any lighted smoking materials will be in violation of this policy
FOOD / BEVERAGES Students have the opportunity to purchase breakfast between 7:10AM – 7:20AM and a school prepared lunch during their assigned lunch wave . Students who choose not to eat the school prepared meals are welcome to bring their own lunch from home with them when arriving in the morning . Students are not allowed to have food deliveries during the school day by outside companies . Seniors with lunch privileges are prohibited from bringing back lunch for other students . In the event a student forgets their lunch , we may make an exception to allow a parent to drop it off . In this case , the student will have to pick up the lunch in the Welcome Center during their assigned lunch wave . However , this should be the rare exception and not a common practice . We encourage students to bring a reusable water bottle to school , as we have water stations throughout the building . Students with food allergens or special dietary needs should immediately contact the nurses ’ office for further instruction . In an effort to prevent the exposure to food allergies the following activities are prohibited : a . Meal / snack swapping and utensil swapping among students during lunch and all other school sponsored events ; b . Eating or drinking on school buses ; c . Eating or drinking in non-authorized areas of the school building or grounds by students , parents , and visitors ( ex . eating in the hallways and restrooms are examples of nonauthorized locations ).
CAFETERIA This school offers a variety of lunch programs including a hot lunch , cold lunch and fast food lunch .
1 . Students may sit anywhere in the cafeteria . There are no assigned seats . When finished with lunch , each student will properly dispose of the cutlery , trash and trays .
2 . Any student responsible for vandalizing school cafeteria furniture may be suspended and responsible for restitution .
Revised 8 / 23 / 2024