Asbestos Management Plan In accordance with state and federal regulations an Asbestos Management Plan has been developed for all school buildings in the Enfield Public Schools System . To inspect the report for any school facility in Enfield , please contact the Office of the Principal . A copy of the Management Plan for each specific school building is kept in the Principal ’ s office for the respective school . If you have any questions regarding the Asbestos Management Plan , please do not hesitate to contact the Enfield Public Schools , School Facilities Department , Telephone 272-3510 .
SCIENCE CLASSROOM DISSECTION ( Excerpt ) “ The Enfield Board of Education endorses the dissection experience as a valuable method of instruction for learning the relation of anatomy to function in the study of organisms ; however , the educational needs of the student who is determined to have a conscientious objection to dissection will be addressed on an individual basis through alternative assignments .” ( See Board Policy 6144 ).
HEALTH EDUCATION – EXEMPTIONS # 6164.1 Aids Education ( Ref : General Statute 10-19 ( b )) The Enfield Public Schools will offer systematic instruction on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS ) as part of the system-wide Health Education Program . Upon the written request of a parent or guardian , exemption will be granted from instruction in this area of Health Education . Family Life Education ( Ref : General Statute 10-16 ( e )) The Enfield Public Schools will offer systematic instruction in Health Education , which may include Family Life Education , in grades K-12 as part of a system-wide program . Upon the written request of a parent or guardian , exemption will be granted from any Family Life Education instruction that , in the opinion of the parent or guardian , is deemed objectionable .
Nondiscrimination – Title IX 5145.4 It is the policy of the Enfield Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of gender in its educational programs , activities or employment policies as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments , or on any other basis prohibited by Connecticut State and / or Federal Non-Discrimination Laws .
Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator . The Board of Education appoints the Superintendent of School or his designated agent as Title IX Coordinator .
The Board shall , at least annually , notify all students , parents , and employees of the name , address and telephone number of the Title IX Coordinator .
Title IX and Title VI |
Andrew Longey |
860-253-6533 |
Name |
Telephone Number |
Section 504 |
Julie Carroll |
860-253-4709 |
Name |
Telephone Number |
Revised 7 / 27 / 263