Planning & Placement Team findings Category B & C records shall be destroyed after the data are no longer relevant for the provision of educational services to the child ; and , in no event shall they be retained beyond six ( 6 ) years following their graduation or the graduation of the class to which he / she belonged . The Enfield Public Schools annually notify the public of intent to destroy B & C records so that those wishing them may request same prior to destruction ( via local newspapers during June ).
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES SHELTER IN PLACE : When conditions are safer inside the building than outside , the following procedures will be adopted in case of SHELTER IN PLACE : 1 . Usher students into the school expeditiously 2 . Listen for additional instructions 3 . In severe weather environment : proceed to interior rooms or basement , away from windows . If not possible , sit in an interior hallway , with your back to the west ; your head down and hands covering your head .
4 . In a possible hazardous materials release : return to the classroom , close and seal all windows and doors , and shut off ventilation system
EVACUATE SCHOOL When conditions are safer outside , than inside the building , the following procedures will be adopted in case of EVACUATE SCHOOL : 1 . Give students explicit directions on evacuation process . 2 . Close all doors and windows . 3 . If Bomb Threat : DO NOT use cell phone and do not initiate radio communications . 4 . Immediately direct all students out of classroom to pre-designated fire exit ( s ). Count students as they exit classroom & at staging area . No stops at locker or bathroom . 5 . Exit building & guide students to predetermined safe area . 6 . Take attendance and report to your Zone leader any missing students / staff , or additional students / staff .
SECURE SCHOOL When suspicious activity , crime , a medical emergency , severe weather , or imminent environmental hazard has been reported in the area of the school . Procedures will be reviewed with staff and students .
LOCKDOWN ( IMMINENT DANGER ) If extreme life-threatening danger is perceived as imminent . Procedures will be reviewed with staff and students .
PEST MANAGEMENT PROGRAM # 3512 1.0 Administration
1.1 The Superintendent is responsible for the overall program . Principals are responsible for their schools .
1.2 A Pest Management Coordinator shall be appointed to assist the Superintendent in developing an Integrated Pest Management Program in all the schools . The Coordinator ' s Position Description shall require that she / he develop administrative procedures to implement this Board Policy , to define regulatory compliance , and to distribute information to the schools .
Please refer to Board Policy # 3512 for more information .
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