First Edition November 29 , 2022 do better next season .” JV player Nevada Shane said .
The Enfield High cheerleaders first performed at the Enfield Eagles versus New Britain football game . Freshman Lexia Xiong said about the cheer team , “ We did pretty good ,
especially for us just starting out . By next season we ’ ll do way better . It was a great experience getting to work with all of these girls . I love being on the team .”
Cross Country season ended on November 1 st . Their season went well . Many people on the team were first time runners and the team is excited to grow in the future .
“ We did pretty good but will do even better next season .” Freshman Ryan Vesce said .
JV Field hockey won their last game against Woodstock , the score being 2-0 , with Varsity ending with 3-0 win .
“ We might struggle a little bit in the beginning due to losing some amazing players , but with the improvements we ’ ve made I think we ’ ll do great .” Freshman Brielle Dols said .
The Volleyball season has also ended , with varsity winning their last game . The EHS volleyball tournament took place on Monday , November 21 st , and Tuesday , November 22 nd .
Swimming ( Girls ) had their last meet on November 5 th , but the girls who went to states ended on November 16 th .
There are many upcoming sports for the winter . Ice Hockey is starting up soon , so is Basketball and Swimming ( Boys ). Indoor track had their eagle block meeting on November 1 st in the gym . Indoor tracks first
ENFIELD GIRLS VOLLEYBALL - Congratulations to Elektra Bourassa on being named ALL-CCC !
The Enfield Flyer 4