Egypt Today volume 1 | Page 4

Brotherhood for planning the attacks.

The attacks have caused a lot of tension between the different religions in Egypt. At least eight people were killed by the attacks and by the attackers. There was an attack in the capital where masked motorcyclists shot into the Church of the Virgin Mary, killing four people. When the churches were looted a lot of religious art was destroyed. While most Muslims were angry with the Christians for supporting the military removal of Morsi, at one church a Muslim stopped a group from burning the church by “saying if they burned it, they should burn him as well.” (Fahim, 2013) This man’s actions show that even though he was of a different faith he still stood up for what was right even if it meant that could have been hurt and that not all muslims may be angry with christians and that not every part of the two faiths maybe part of the conflict.

Fahim, K. (2013, August 20). Islamists Step Up Attacks on Christians for Supporting Morsi’s Ouster. Retrieved from

McManus, J. (2013, August 8). Egypt's Coptic Pope concerned over risks of attacks. Retrieved from