EFSConnections Fall 2023 | Page 20

Simpkins Speaker Says


THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUCCESS AND FAILURE in business is often slim , but if you remain confident and seize opportunities you can come out on top .
Rancic said there ’ s “ no secret magic ” to becoming an entrepreneur but there are qualities that can determine whether a business booms or goes bust .
That was the message from Bill Rancic — entrepreneur , bestselling author and the first winner of NBC ’ s “ The Apprentice ” — to students during the March 2023 Simpkins Speaker Series appearance at Eastern Florida State College .
Rancic ’ s topic , “ From Apprentice to Visionary : How to Innovate in Business and Life ,” traced his journey from washing boats in college to operating a million-dollar business and restaurant empire .
The main thing he learned along the way was to never give up and to not believe it when people say failure is guaranteed .

Believe in yourself and don ’ t allow people to tell you what you can and can ’ t do . Don ’ t allow others to pull you down .
- Bill Rancic

Among them are recognizing and seizing opportunities , staying agile and challenging the status quo “ even when the status quo is working ” and understanding and respecting risk .
Also critical is a keen selfawareness in admitting that what appears to be the right road may in fact be the wrong one .
“ Many times we get caught up in the day to day and don ’ t see it from the outside ,” he said . “ Our minds can play
Bill Rancic with Tonya Cherry and Randy Coleman tricks on us that we are better managers or leaders than we really are . But if we pause and examine it , we can see our mistakes and make changes .”
Rancic came onto the scene nearly 20 years ago as NBC ’ s first Apprentice winner and has since traveled the world and shared his experience and business acumen with tens of thousands of leaders , businesses and organizations on a variety of important topics .