building , you are in imminent danger , or you have received notification via the college security alert system .
On-Campus Housing Policies and Procedures
Student Code of Conduct Any student who accepts the privilege extended by the laws of Florida of attending Eastern Florida State College gives his or her consent to the policies of the College , the State Board of Education , and the laws of Florida . The College ’ s standards of behavior for students and formal disciplinary process is set forth in the Student Code of Conduct . Violations are subject to discipline , including but not limited to , removal from on campus housing ( see Attachment 3 for a list of the SCOC standards of conduct .) For more information about the Student Code of Conduct , visit : https :// www . easternflorida . edu / student-life / student-handbook / student-code-ofconduct . cfm
Housing Code of Conduct In addition to the Student Code of Conduct , residents must adhere to additional standards of conduct that are specific to the student housing facility ( see Attachment 4 for the Standards of Conduct for On-Campus Housing .) Violations are subject to discipline , including but not limited to , removal from on campus housing .
College ’ s Right of Entry The College and its representatives reserve the right to enter students ’ suites and / or rooms at any time for any health / safety-related or other institutional purpose , including ( but not limited ) to : inspect , verify occupancy , make improvements or repairs , reclaim College property , control the suite / room in the event of an epidemic or emergency , or if there is reason to believe that any College rules , regulations , policies , procedures , code of conduct , or local , state , or federal laws are being violated . In these situations , if prohibited items such as alcohol , drugs , or weapons are found , the items can be seized and used against students in a criminal and / or College disciplinary action . In addition , College officials may temporarily secure the location and deny students and others access to the suite and / or room . A student ’ s refusal to cooperate in such situations may result in disciplinary action .
Free Speech The College will endeavor to respect each resident ’ s right to free speech and expression to the extent possible . However , such rights are not unlimited , and residents should understand that the College may regulate or even prohibit a resident ’ s speech or expression that substantially interferes with the operations of the College or impinges upon the rights of other residents to be secure and to be let alone . Refusal to cooperate may result in disciplinary action .
Check-in , Check-out The College will establish dates for check-in and check-out . Residents must complete an official room check-out before vacating the facility . Failure to follow check-in and check-
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