Block Logo The block logo , consisting of the letters " EFSC ", is designed for use on social media platforms and promotional materials not suited for a horizontal format .
The Office of Collegewide Communications will create custom branded block logos for social media accounts as necessary .
Athletics Logo The Eastern Florida Titans logo with the Mr . Titan mascot is the official insignia of EFSC ’ s athletic teams . The " Eastern Florida " text treatment is a secondary athletics identifier on uniforms and for other uses as approved by the Athletics Department or Collegewide Communications .
With prior approval from the Office of Collegewide Communications , they may be used by other departments across campus for student-related , spirit-oriented programs and activities .
Department / Program Logos EFSC divisions , organizations , departments , and programs should use the EFSC logo with the name of the unit centered under the base . This usage represents the unit ’ s official logo .
The official seal of Eastern Florida State College is not part of the logo system and is , therefore , not interchangeable with the EFSC logo .
The seal is used to authenticate official College documents and to communicate the significance of special occasions and events . It is used on commencement programs , diplomas , and annual reports and certificates . It may also be watermarked into official letterhead .
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