Do not capitalize the following :
Emphasized words ( you can use bold text to emphasize a word , but do not use all capital letters to emphasize it ; Exception : FREE is frequently used to draw attention to food offerings on flyers )
EXAMPLE Incorrect : The event will have AWESOME swag ! Correct : The event will have awesome swag !
Occupations Incorrect : John Smith is a Teacher .
Correct : John Smith is a teacher . Academic disciplines ( except Incorrect : I am an Accounting major , but she is studying languages and degrees ) english . Correct : I am an accounting major , but she is studying English .
Seasons ( except when used in an EFSC academic term )
Incorrect : My favorite season is Fall . Correct : My favorite season is fall . ( Again , Fall Term is okay .)
Always use a currency symbol and the fewest number of integers possible .
• Incorrect : I found £ 20.00 on the street .
• Correct : I found £ 20 on the street .
Omit words that describe the currency , such as " dollars ".
• Incorrect : He has $ 5 dollars in his pocket , and I have $ 15.83 in my purse .
• Correct : He has $ 5 in his pocket , and I have $ 15.83 in my purse .
Numbers larger than 1 million should be designated by a currency symbol , numerals , and a word .
• Incorrect : She has $ 150,000,000 in the bank .
• Correct : She has $ 150 million in the bank .
Commas should be placed after the day of the week , the date , and the year ( if in the middle of a sentence and at the end of a clause ). Use ordinal numbers when the year and / or month are not included .
• Today is Monday , May 21 , 2018 .
• On Wednesday , February 17 , 1988 , she went to the zoo .
• It is due by February 25 .
• Is the whole thing due by the 25 th ?
Write out days of the week and months where space allows . If necessary , days and select months may be abbreviated to conserve space . Spell out the month when it stands alone or with a year .
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