Volume 3
APRIL 2018
Bringing Donors and Scholarship
Recipients Together
Dear Titan Friends,
This morning my heart is full!
Last evening, the Foundation celebrated our donors
and scholarship recipients at a reception. The room
was full of hope, dreams and opportunity.
I observed the generosity, commitment to education,
and belief in supporting our community that defines
our donors. They give to EFSC because they believe in
the value and power of a college education.
Scholarship recipients - Kyrstin Clodfelter, Elaika Ann Santos, Jennifer Lee
tudent scholarship recipients got a chance to thank the donors who believed in them and their
potential at the Eastern Florida State College Donor and Student Recipient Reception at the Hilton
Melbourne Rialto Place.
“I see such opportunity in these young people. We love to give back to our community, education is
the answer and we are happy to do whatever we can,” said Susie Wasdin, alumni, donor and EFSC
Foundation board member.
Susie and Tom Wasdin are part of the Distinguished Alumni & Friends Scholarship. Christopher
Strohm, recipient of the Distinguished Alumni & Friends Scholarship said, “I wanted to thank them
personally. I applied because I had a financial hardship and was hoping for a bit of help, and I got
The March 16 event featured Dr. Al Koller, who retired from NASA after more than 32 years as an
engineer and program manager, and then served 21 years in senior administration roles at Brevard
Community College, now EFSC. He is currently president of the e3 Company.
Dr. Koller spoke about the help he received in his youth and the importance of passing that on. He
also stressed the importance of encouraging one another. “You start with an event like tonight where
you celebrate one another. You see firsthand the good that you can do,” he said.
The donors witnessed the return on their investment
in meeting with students. Personally, I felt privileged
to be part of the transformation of their lives.
In my parting remarks, I wanted the students to
remember one thing about the evening: “You are
standing in this room because someone believed in
you, your potential and provided you with the gift of
an education.”
Please watch our 4-minute video https://youtu.be
/9JhjvZmx2kA where students and donors share their
We count on YOU – the support of our Alumni, local
businesses, corporations and Titan friends – to help
students realize their educational goals.
If you are interested in supporting student
scholarships, please contact our offices at
(321) 433-7055 or [email protected].
Go Titans!
Jennie Kriete
Director, EFSC Foundation
Eastern Florida State College President Dr. James Richey
thanked donors for all they do in helping the Foundation
provide scholarships to students needing assistance. “You
can see the results of your generosity in this room and in
our classrooms throughout the college where students are
pursuing their dreams – dreams that might otherwise be
lost or abandoned. You are truly making a difference in their
lives and in our community,” said Richey.
Eastern Florida State College
President Dr. James Richey
Tonya Cherry, Donor Relations Coordinator, recognized all
donors and recipients in attendance. Visit efscfoundation.
org to learn more about the EFSC Foundation, student
scholarships and how to donate.
Jennie Kriete, Director EFSC Foundation; Stuart Braudrick;
scholarship recipient; Jaime Curtis, donor; Carina Rodriguez, recipient