Capital Projects
EFSC Capital Projects Mission Focused
EFSC ’ s Facilities and maintenance team made great strides in 2024 completing several projects and making headway on others to the benefit of students , faculty , staff , and the community .
Here are a few of those accomplishments :
Cocoa Campus
• Upgraded and paved the college ’ s main entrance off of Clearlake Road .
• Removed damaged and outdated car stops , repaved parking lots , roadways , walkways , and walking trails . Re-striped parking lots and replaced faded signage .
• Repaired and replaced outside solar lighting and refreshed landscaping throughout campus grounds .
• Repaired and replaced in-ground wall
Melbourne lighting at Campus Veteran ’ s : Memorial
Amphitheatre . Sealed and painted walls as
• Completed and occupied new 96-bed Dorm B .
• Constructed
part of revitalization multisport complex
initiative adjacent
. to student housing to include basketball , volleyball , and pickleball courts . ( Right )
• Completed paint refreshing and tile restoration for several concourse restrooms .
• Completed design for new 31,534 sq ft Center for Innovation Technology Education ( CITE ) with construction commencing Titusville in Campus May of 2024 . ( Below )
• • King Completed Center improvements phase 1 of included Aerospace renovation Center of of patio deck Excellence , upgrading electrical ( ACE ) project panel that to support included updated equipment refreshing , and existing replacement classrooms of walkway with bollards paint that were and damaged by Hurricane Nicole . flooring and several new labs .
• Installed a new 7.5 Ton HVAC unit on roof to support building 6 environmental controls .
• Replaced roofs on buildings 1 and 6 to eliminate ongoing roof leaks .
Cocoa Campus :
• Melbourne Upgraded and Campus paved the college ’ s main entrance off
• of Completed Clearlake Road and occupied . ( Left ) new 96-bed Dorm B .
• Removed Constructed damaged multisport and outdated complex car adjacent stops , repaved to parking student lots housing , roadways to include , walkways basketball , and walking , trails . Re-striped volleyball , parking and pickleball lots and courts replaced
. faded signage .
• Repaired and replaced outside solar lighting and Completed paint refreshing and tile restoration refreshed landscaping throughout campus grounds . for several concourse restrooms .
• Repaired and replaced in-ground wall lighting at Veteran Completed ’ s Memorial design Amphitheatre for new 31,534 . Sealed sq ft Center and painted for Innovation walls as Technology part of revitalization Education initiative ( CITE ). with construction commencing in May of 2024 .
• King Center improvements included renovation of patio deck , upgrading electrical panel to support updated equipment , and replacement of walkway bollards that were damaged by Hurricane Nicole .
Titusville Campus :
• Completed phase 1 of Aerospace Center of Excellence ( ACE ) project that included refreshing existing classrooms with paint and flooring and several new labs .
• Installed a new 7.5 ton HVAC unit on roof to support building 6 environmental controls .
• Replaced roofs on buildings 1 and 6 to eliminate ongoing roof leaks .
Palm Bay Campus :
• Replaced maintenance awning damaged by Hurricane Nicole .
• Attached and sealed Fire Science equipment containers .