EFSC College Accomplishments 2024 | Page 18

Accomplishing Our

Mission .

Maintaining Sound


Footing .

In June , the Eastern Florida State College Board of Trustees unanimously


approved the Fiscal Year 2024-25 plan to support the college ’ s mission to provide a high-quality , affordable education on

Our Mission Florida ’ s Space Coast .

$ 92.3 million


Key Elements of the Budget Include :

• No increase in tuition costs for students for the 13th straight year .
- The per credit hour tuition cost for lower division courses for Florida residents remains at $ 104 .
- The per credit hour tuition cost for upper division courses for Florida residents remains at $ 128.51 .
• The largest “ across the board base salary ” increase for full-time faculty on record since the college ’ s inception in 1960 of $ 4,000 for each faculty member for the next contract year .
- Adjunct Faculty also received a 3 % increase to their pay rates for the second year in a row .
• Provided a 3 % pay raise for all full-time and regular part-time non-probationary staff , which marks the fourth consecutive year the college has been able to raise staff salaries .
“ While this will continue to be a challenging year ahead , I strongly believe the proposed budget is a realistic road map for continued success ,”
said Dr . Jim Richey .


• The college also continued to pay 100 % of the premium cost for its employees ’ base health care plans


, absorbing the anticipated increase in premium costs for full-time staff and faculty .

Footing . projects such as the new Aerospace Center of

• Provided for upgrades to college facilities , technological improvements , and ongoing
Excellence ( ACE ) project on the Titusville Campus and the new Center for Innovative Technology Education ( CITE ) on the Melbourne Campus .
• Fully funded all academic programs , including cost savings such as not filling non-critical vacant positions and closely monitoring organizational costs .
• The budget also benefitted from an additional $ 10 million in funding above last year ’ s appropriation from the Florida State Legislature to re-purpose an existing building on the Cocoa Campus into the new ‘ Advanced Training Center ’ ( ATC ) which will help us put thousands of students into the Space Coast ’ s growing workforce in quality jobs in future years .
“ It will ensure that Eastern Florida remains on the right path for growth and continued success for our students and our community .”