EFSC Accomplishments 2019 | Page 2

Dear Trustees: It is no exaggeration to say that Eastern Florida State College is literally reaching for the stars. The 2019 College Accomplishments contained in this report describe that journey through programs that are putting students in position for excellent careers. We are helping launch the next generation of spaceflight at Kennedy Space Center with graduates and apprentices working at Lockheed Martin, SpaceX, OneWeb Satellites and other aerospace companies. There is also a new state-of-the-art facility for Robotics, our key role in the Florida High-Tech Corridor and application as a National Center for Cyber Security and Digital Forensics Education. Meanwhile, we continued setting records in enrollment for Bachelor Degree and online programs, minority student enrollment and money awarded for student scholarships. We also dedicated a new Student Union and broke ground on the college’s first Residence Hall, both on the Melbourne Campus. Our achievements reflect the dedication of our superb faculty and staff and their commitment to our students. I hope you find the report informative and with it my gratitude for the strong leadership you provide to the college and our community. Sincerely, Dr. Jim Richey President 2 2019 College Accomplishments