EFL in Synchronous Online Classes | Page 4

Acknowledgements Before I begin , I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude for all those who , knowingly or unknowingly , directly or indirectly helped me in this project . I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to my capstone advisor , Dr . Irshat Madyarov , for his timely guidance , patience , help and diligent support throughout the duration of my research . For he has constantly conveyed a spirit of adventure in regard to my curriculum design project , and an excitement and enthusiasm in regard to teaching . Without his endless support , encouragement , suggestions and very constructive criticism which have had a huge impact on the evolution of my study plan , this endeavor would not have been possible .
I would also like to thank all of my other professors whom I got the privilege to explore the field of education and teaching English as a foreign / second language with . Lastly , I am heartily thankful to my family and friends who made this journey worth working hard for with all their love and support despite the difference in time and space . Thank you all for keeping me company on long walks and for all your support along the way , I would not have done this without you .