eEYY Yaz Okulu Ders Planım KAL eTwinning Ders Planım-Murat ŞAHİN | Page 3
The teacher always offers advice and guidance to the students,
reviews the work of each team, their reflection recordings and blog
entries, to ensure everyone explored, collected examples and
contributed to the project during the learning activities.
At the end of the project regarding the assessment and the evaluation,
all the students in each group will be given a peer assessment form and
a group work assessment form. The points taken from these forms will
be added to the designed criteria below
Evaluation Criteria;
Contribution and Collaboration: 20 points
Creativity: 20 points
Use of technology: 20 points
Language and Narration: 20 points
PAF and GWAF: 20 points
Total: 100 points