EESTEC Magazine Vol 33 2013/2 | Page 34

eMovie Academy ‘13 LC Sarajevo August 15th - 22nd 2013 Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina Text: LC Sarajevo Photographs: LC Sarajevo In third week of August, Sarajevo was a meeting point for many acknowledged ?lmmakers, movie stars and other celebrities. Among them, stars of Sarajevo were also EESTEC-ers from all around Europe that chose to participate in our workshop. After successful previous editions of eMovie Academy, we knew that we need to work hard and be creative as never before to make this year’s eMA shine bright in the EESTEC sky. EMovie Academy ‘13 gathered 16 enthusiastic participants from all around Europe who came to Sarajevo in order to learn about producing and editing movies. They also had an opportunity to stand in front of the camera and try out their acting potential. The academic part included lectures and practical work. Lectures were given by professor Faruk Lon?arevi? from Academy of Performing Arts Sarajevo who gave theoretical base for later practical work. He managed to make our participants even more interested in ?lmmaking and some of them stayed in for the night in order to improve their scripts. After the theoretical part, participants were divided into 4 groups and they were supposed to make a documentary about Sarajevo’s culture and history. 34