LC Sarajevo - eMovie Academy ‘13
15th August - 22nd August
Having very successful previous editions of eMovie Academy behind, LC
Sarajevo has become one of the top
destinations for every EESTECer.
eMovie Academy ‘13 gathered 16
enthusiastic participants from all
around Europe, eager to learn about
producing and editing movies. One
of the most exciting activities was to
stand in front of the camera and try
out your own acting potential. The ?nal
challenge was to create in teams the
most catching cultural and historical
documentary about Sarajevo.
This workshop was perfectly synchronized with the Sarajevo Film Festival,
where participants had the opportunity
to take a walk on the Red Carpet
along with actors, directors and the
rest of the ?lm crews. Participants’
efforts were rewarded with a trip to
Kravice waterfalls where they could
enjoy swimming under the waterfalls
and admire the beautiful nature.
After all, a bit of relaxation was everything they needed after experiencing
Sarajevo’s wild nightlife…
LC Eskisehir - Photosynthesis 2
19th August - 26th August
For the second time, LC Eski?ehir has
organized a workshop about photography: Photosynthesis 2. During this
workshop, participants had a chance
to attend photography and digital
photo editing lessons held by expert
trainers in these ?elds. Beside that,
they were able to practice everything they’ve learnt, on the streets of
beautiful city Eski?ehir and its historical and cultural places. Once the
academic part of the event was over,
the participants had found themselves in a competition well known to
all EESTECers, the City Rally. In the
evenings, they had the chanc H??Y[?[H?\?\??H?Y[???&H?]H[??\??^K??H?[??????YH???][]H??\??\?Z\??X?]\?H^HY?]Y?Z[?H^x?&]?HXYH[?[??YX?B?]?[?[??H\?H?\?H][?H\?B?Y]???YK???