EESTEC Magazine Vol 33 2013/2 | Page 19

Explorers Text: Miloš Mandi? Photographs: Miloš Mandi? Dear EESTECers, As you might already know Explorers team is one of the teams in External Affairs department. Together with some other teams, it takes a crucial role in developing and expanding our organisation. The main goal of this team is to ?nd students from different Universities around Europe and motivate them to establish an EESTEC Observer. Observer status is the ?rst step which a group of student has to ful?ll in order to became a full EESTEC member (Local Committee). This team currently consists out of 12 members from 9 different LCs. We share the same vision – EESTEC is an organisation which constantly gets new members and committees and expands to new countries and cities. During the ?rst meeting we agreed upon some goals for this year. They include establishing 8 new Observers of which half should be from countries where we don’t have committees. While working on that, we want to learn new things, gather experience, meet new people and work with them. Last but not the least, the important part is to have fun while doing all of the above! :) Our idea for the ?rst 2 months of working together was to discuss about strategy and to plan all the details needed for contacting universities and students. We were working on preparing all the necessary materials 19 such as: attachment about EESTEC, body of an e-mail for a student/university, different spreadsheets about the cities we plan to contact, etc. During this period we tried to collect personal contacts from the people studying in universities where we don’t have EESTEC committees. So far we have got a solid database and we hope we’ll put it into a good use. At the moment of writing this article, we’re preparing to start contacting ?rst universities and students. Every team member has got 3 universities to contact and we will take new ones as soon as we get answers from the existing ones. We believe that cities such as Paris, Rome, London, Prague, etc. will soon become a part of our EESTEC family. We splitted this school year into two semesters and we’ll be contacting universities until the mid-December. Before the New Year, we will do the evaluation and take some rest. In the second part of this school year, we will do a revision of our results and change the strategy if needed. After that we will continue with the contacting and obtaining the new Observers. The team is highly motivated, we set up high goals and we hope for the best! Hopefully, this time next year our organisation will have more than 65 committees and we will cover parts of Europe we haven’t covered so far. Enjoy and prepare for new surprises, new destinations to visit and new people to meet and become friends with.